Sep 6, 2017 | Development
Small budgets and short timelines, we’ve all had clients with those parameters 😀 Today we talk about our methods on dealing with these types of projects, and share some great tools to help streamline those methods. Hosts Present: David Blackmon – Aspen...
Aug 16, 2017 | Development
If you’re handling multiple web projects at the same time you know what a pain it can be to stay organized and on top of every aspect of each project. This week we discuss some of our regular practices as well as tools we use to help us handle multiple jobs at...
Aug 2, 2017 | Business, eCommerce, Marketing
The market for products specifically made for Divi has exploded in recent years. Premium child themes have seen a massive growth and there are many new child theme creators filling the space, with more sure to come in. And why not? Premium child themes are a huge help...
Jul 12, 2017 | Development
Custom post types! What the heck are they anyway?! We go over them in great detail and boy have we gathered some ace resources for you! Róbey Lawrence of Australian-based WordPress podcast WP Bosses joins us, prepped with slides and all — a Divi Chat first...
Jun 28, 2017 | Development
We’re pretty excited about today’s topic on building a business developing Divi plugins. Some of our hosts have done just that and would love to share their experiences in this growing market. As an added bonus Terry Hale of Superfly and creator of Image...