Feb 14, 2019 | Business, eCommerce, Marketing
This week on DC we’re discussing marketing strategies for your Divi products, like courses, plugins, child themes, etc. We’ve been in the “Divi biz” for a while so we’ll share our marketing tips. Hosts Present: David Blackmon – Aspen Grove Studios / FB /...
Jan 30, 2019 | Development
This week we’ll be discussing our steps for creating a Divi website. There are a lot of steps someone can go through but we think we can narrow it down to a pretty good overview on the basic steps applicable to most sites. Hosts Present: David Blackmon –...
Jan 16, 2019 | Development
We’re back for our first episode of 2019!! Woohoo!! We decided our first topic should be about the latest updates, both with WordPress and Divi. WordPress 5.0 was released just before the end of 2018 and Divi was updated as well with a slew of new features, and...
Dec 20, 2018 | Development
There’s a lot to cover when it comes to Google Analytics so we’re going to be touching on some basics of GA and data tracking. It’s not as scary as it seems to add to your site and you definitely SHOULD add it to your site. Hosts Present: Josh Hall...
Dec 4, 2018 | Development
While Divi isn’t technically a framework for all intents and purposes it kind of is, it’s certainly as powerful as one anyway, so this week we’ll be discussing some reasons it may be beneficial to choose and stick with one WordPress theme framework such as Divi....