Have you ever thought about selling your business or purchasing an agency?
Even if this isn’t on your To Do list for the near future, understanding what’s involved can help ensure you are ready if/when the time comes.
In this episode of Divi Chat, we will break this subject down to discuss elements that get your business in a position to be profitably sold, as well as what to look for in a book of business you want to acquire.
Our regular panelists will be joined by Kristina Romero, the founder or WP Care Market, and former owner of a web agency, which she sold in 2020. She will share the knowledge she gained from selling her agency, including practical tips for navigating the legal and financial aspects of buying or selling a web agency, how to connect with a buyer / seller, and what she would do differently, if given the chance.
Whether you’re an agency owner thinking about selling your business or an entrepreneur looking to acquire a web agency, this episode has something for you. Tune in to learn how to prepare for a successful transaction and position your agency for long-term growth and profitability.
In addition to our special guest on this episode, our own panelists here on the podcast also know a lot of about acquiring businesses. For example, Eric purchased In Transit Studios a few years back, and Tim has purchased several companies, including the best Elementor Addons: Exclusive Addons.
💬 Join us in the live chat at 5 p.m. EST on FB or YouTube!
Hosts Present:
Eric Dingler – In Transit Studios / Coastal City Creative / https://www.ericdingler.com/
Stephanie Hudson – FocusWP / @stepherriffic / Focus On Your Biz
Mike Devitt – Web Design Pro / FB / @webdesignpro.co
Special Guest Kristina Romero: https://kristinaromero.com/ / https://therevenuerelationship.com/
Resources Mentioned:
⬆️⬆️ USE CODE: DiviBuySell for $250. off until 3/31/23
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🐓 8 am Sydney (Wednesday)
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