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EP150 – Are paid ads a good use of your money?

Are you considering running an ad campaign for your business? How can you know if it will be a good investment? Facebook or Instagram Ads…Sponsored Posts…Google Ads…how can you get the most bang for your buck? Hosts present: Stephanie Hudson –...
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EP131 – How to Grow a YouTube Audience

This week we have special guest Darrel Wilson on the podcast to discuss how to grow your YouTube audience (WOOHOO!!). Darrel’s built a huge following for his YouTube channel which hosts tons of great content, like DIY website building tutorials, page builder...
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EP124 – Podcasting: Audio, Video, and Tools Chat

If you’ve been thinking about how podcasting can be a fit for your business or even just doing it as a personal hobby this week’s Divi Chat is for you. We’ll talk about video vs audio podcasting, building your audience and a bit of technical stuff....
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EP118 – Going Niche: Yay or Nay?

Going niche just means getting more granular in your target market. Maybe you decide to stick to a specific industry, like photography clients or restaurants and hotels. Maybe you target only Divi users and really go all in with the ‘Divi Expert’ or ‘Divi Designer’...
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EP85 – Video Marketing

Video marketing is something we’ve discussed on Divi Chat before, and our last episode on social media tools even started to segue into the topic, so we’ve decided to go with the flow and dedicate this week’s discussion to it since there’s...
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EP84 – Social Media Streamlining Tools

Handling social media accounts can be a real chore. There’s a lot to learn, and it can be very overwhelming and time-consuming. This week we discuss our favorite tools to help make our social media workflow more efficient.   Hosts Present: David Blackmon...
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EP80 – Starting a Podcast Site with Divi

On our first podcasting episode – Episode 39 – we mainly discussed how/why listening to them can help you improve your business. This time around we’re going to talk more about why you may want to start a podcast for your content marketing, and about our...
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EP74 – Facebooks Ads

If you’re interested in learning about the benefits of running Facebook ads for your business, what kind of data you can get from them, how to go about starting your first Facebook ad, or any of the above then you’re in for a treat! This week on the...
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EP65 – How to Build and Grow an Email List and Why

Are you trying to grow your email list? Are you wondering if you even need an email list to grow your business, or how to go about starting with email marketing if you’re new to it? That’s what we’ll be talking about this week so be sure to watch!...
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EP47 – Marketing to Your Local Community

Marketing to your local community can be daunting, especially in the beginning of your business. You may have competition and you may not know how to get your name out there. Should you be networking in person? By phone, by email, all of the above??? We share some...